The Denver Boot Remit Online Virtual Permit Check it out What's new
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High tech permits
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Id Badge Maker
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Clancy Chat and WebCam
Investor Relations
Ticket Scan
Printer Colors
RF Printer

Our software package provides the most up to date software on the market today.   Clancy programming staff assists our customers directly with questions and service.   Ideas requested by a client are taken into consideration and then if the feature can be used for other clients, it is implemented and distributed free of charge.

Our Clancy version 6.0 is fully compatible with Windows 95, 98, and NT. The software is fully integrated between the various functions accessed from the main menu. These options are Tickets, Dispostions, Enforce, Administration, and Permits.

The Tickets menu provides access to options such as manual ticket entries, communications with the handhelds, unloading the digital camera, lookups, and providing custom transfer files.

The Dispostions menu provides access to options such as payment entry, voiding tickets, saving and loading disposition batches, generating ticket and/or permit receipts, printing receipts, balancing cash drawer, printing pre-formatted letters, lookups, and audits.

The Enforce menu provides access to options such as lookups, generating and printing mass notice letters, editing name and address information, generation of boot eligible list, and special plates list.

The Administration menu provides access to options such as editing databases, addition of new pc and handheld units codes and descriptions, printing pc and handheld units codes and descriptions, over 150 reports pertaining to every field of information captured, individual and multi-machine setup options, fully customizable security system based on user logon, and access to the honorbox system.

The Permits menu provides access to options such as a permit setup option that allows the user to customize required information based on the permit type, permit / registration entry, lookups, and many reports pertaining to permit data.